New Zoning
Click here for the Enhancement Committee's working draft of a new set of architectural standards and procedures for new additions.  We hope to have your input and comments for this document.  Is there anything we left out?  Does anything look impractical to you?  Do you see any potential problems or do you have any other ideas? Please send your comments to
  • Please note that the Enhancement Committee has recommended that all the additions that were described in the PHASE II Followup Survey should not be allowed based on survey results.  Only the options that were popular with a majority of home owners are being considered.
Resident Comments:
  • Name: Mary Eggers
  • Address: Panola Ct.
  • Message: As you know Ann Bauer and some others, me being one of them, have been getting a petition signed to encourage the board to limit roof additions. I'm wirting to share my experience in going door-to-door with the petition. With only two exceptions everyone that I found at home signed the petition and made a comment like "I sure wish this wouldn't go through at all." While going door-to-door I stayed very nurtural with regard to the addtions even though I've been against them from the start. The second piece that I wanted to share is my continued concern about the ability of a volunteer board to monitor the planning, construction and maintenance of additions. This concern was only heightened by my seeing so many home fronts that have been neglected for what appears like many years. I'm unable to be at the town hall on the 18th because of work. I'd appreciate it if this letter were read to the group gathered. thanks for all your work on our behalf. Mary Eggers